Saturday, 25 November 2017


If I have a seed, I keep it in safe, it will be rusted and wasted.

If I sow the seed, it will be a plant and with the passage of time, it will become a tree. After that, a time will come that tree will have a lot of fruits.

Now again if I keep all the fruits, It will be rusted and will be wasted.
If I start eating all the fruits, eat and eat and eat.... my stomach will be damaged and I will lose my life.

On every side, we are facing losing either the seed, fruits or our life.
Now, what to do.

The solution is so simple, we are living in a society in which a lot of needy people are living too. if we eat the fruits according to our needs and share the rest of fruits to the people who are needy.
Then the seed will make a tree, the tree will give us fruits, and the fruits will save our life and the life of others too.

Now compare the above story to your own life.

The seed is my experience, the tree is my struggle and the fruits are the result or success. if I have experience and I don't use it, it will be wasted.
If I use my experience and do struggle I will get a good result and success. If I keep this good result Safe with my self, again it is useless. But if I share my experience, struggle, and the result or success of my struggle with others it will motivate them, maybe they are facing some problems which are smaller than the problems I faced and I share my experience with them and by that they Get the solution to their problems, and they get a lesson from my struggle.

My Message is:

Share your experiences, share your struggle, share your success and even share your failures,
it will help the humanity in different ways. Because "Share Is Care"

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