Saturday, 2 December 2017

Squeezed Papers, Behind Every Idea.

Behind every success there is a struggle, behind every struggle there is an Idea, behind every Idea there are thoughts, and its not necessary that the first thought will give you the perfect Idea to touch the sky.

We are running after success, and its the rule of the world, everyone should do it. But the most important thing to understand is that, the success is not a served dish in plate that anyone will put it in front of us.

The thing which makes a way to success is Struggle. Working hard, making mind creative, and then apply it with struggle will let you to the success.

Now a question rises, on what we have to work hard? On what we have to make our mind creative?  And on what we have to do struggle? That we get success....
Every struggle needs an Idea. If we have an Idea we will take a step of hard work and creativity and will struggle for it till we get success.

Every Idea has a lot of thoughts behind. A perfect Idea comes out by numbers of failed thoughts, and those who got the perfect Idea, called successful.

If we are thinking for something we want to do and we failed, think once more. If we failed again, think once more. If failed again, think more.

Think more and more, till you get any perfect Idea. Because if you select give up the success will reject you. and you will be a failure in the world.

To be a successful man you should have a broad cupboard of thoughts, even its failed. Because Thought is the basic step to Success.

We are on the way to ancient era in modern form

The thing which makes us different from animals is communication. Communication is inferred from a Latin word communis and communicare,...