Saturday, 7 July 2018

What is Anger?

Anger is a condition of human mind in which he/she is unable to judge the situation and unbalanced in taking decision. In this condition most of the decision taken are wrong, most of the understanding of circumstances are negative and all of the persons in front of you are bad. Because of these all, such a person becomes frustrated and becomes hyper, which let them to talk in high note, to beat someone, to use abusive language for proving that he/she is right.

Now why a person become angry?
The answer of this question according to me as i have noticed and as i have seen it in myself is; we used to face many kind of situations in our daily life, to which we have to solve. We are having a style of living, a mind of decision and an arrow to follow according to us. Now if there is a problem in a situation and i want to solve it according to me, i want to follow my heart but i do opposite because of the society. A fight begin between my center of being and mind, i want to do something but i am doing something else, which make me frustrated and this condition is called anger.

If i am doing something against myself, and i know i am wrong so i will think of all the people around me are wrong. which will lead me to proof them wrong, to argue with them and sometime to fight with them and all the scenario will be failed to solve.

We think a person who is angry or who used to be angry is powerful and he or she can harm you, but i will say that such a person is weaker a lot because he or she has no power to accept his or her mistakes and solve it according to what he or she wants.

Anger is not fighting against others but anger is fighting with yourself, not accepting your mistakes and doing all the acts against your heart.

If you want to live a peaceful life; follow your arrow. Listen to your heart and do, Believe me if you are satisfy within your being you will be relax and then if you want to become angry you will never be.     


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