Sunday, 1 July 2018

Situation is Neutral

Situation is what, the circumstances and happenings going around us. We used to face thousands of happenings in our lives on daily bases. We used to face every situation and after that when we get relax, we call it success. It means that we face all the happenings for getting success.
This world is consist of two things number one Right and number two Wrong which implies to good and bad, and behind them there are situations, which is neither good nor bad. It is just a situation which we have to solve and life is the name of solving those problems we are facing by the situations.
The title i have chosen, is on the basis of the above paragraphs.
For several days i felt frustrated by facing the problems and i was thinking the bad shadow is spreading on my life day by day, what will happen and what will i do....
then i thought i am thinking and i am telling myself that the situations going on are bad situations, so then what are good situation, and if here are good situation and bad situation so it includes in both good and bad.
Then i started thinking that the happenings in my life are not bad situations these are the activities which i have to solve and these are the stairs which let me to move forward in my life and will reward me experience. If i can thinks that these circumstances i am facing are bad shadows so i can also think about the solving of these problems, and when i started thinking about that i felt relax and new ideas appeared in my mind.
I saw that all the people in this world are going in one direction. If a person got success in right way all the people will start following that way, if a person got success in left way all will start following that way, and most of the people used to follow others in the straight line, and they try to find the solution of their situations in the action of others.
As i composed the above picture for explaining the ways we used to follow for getting success, a body is standing in the middle of happenings, looking straight and hands on right and left, but the straight way to success is just behind him and he is not looking at it.
If i got my aims in according to my plannings, that was according to me. If you got your same aims according to your plannings, that is according to you.
For example, I have 2 guests and i want to serve them with bread. I have two slices of bread, i have taken a decision to give one slice to each.
Same you have 2 guests and want to serve bread but you have one slice of bread, now we both were facing same situations we got 2 guests and i serve 1 slice to each but you have one slice so if you will try to follow me in this case you can not do ever. You have to think according to your situations and solve to achieve your aims. You have to divide the slice in to two.

Following others are not the success proving yourself is the real taste of achieving your aims.

1 comment:

We are on the way to ancient era in modern form

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