Monday, 27 November 2017


Time passes out, and the world becomes more and more developed. This development occurs when the people living in this world starts innovations. And behind every innovation, there are a lot of failures, every failure occurs by some kind of mistake. He can correct his project by correcting that mistake.

Same we used to make decisions for the different situation of our life, mostly for the first time.
Like taking decisions for the business, decisions for selecting any field, the decision for making relationships etc. 

If we failed in any one of the decisions we have taken by doing some kind of mistake, we should not take it in mind so hard that we suppose ourselves a permanent failure, and it became a give up for us and we became useless in our society.

Always remember the first mistake is not a mistake, it's a lesson from which we have to learn. and avoid this kind of mistake again in the same work.

The actual mistake is what, we repeat the same mistake time to time and never try to correct it.

Every mistake can be corrected because the mistake is for correction and correction is for the mistake.

Saturday, 25 November 2017


If I have a seed, I keep it in safe, it will be rusted and wasted.

If I sow the seed, it will be a plant and with the passage of time, it will become a tree. After that, a time will come that tree will have a lot of fruits.

Now again if I keep all the fruits, It will be rusted and will be wasted.
If I start eating all the fruits, eat and eat and eat.... my stomach will be damaged and I will lose my life.

On every side, we are facing losing either the seed, fruits or our life.
Now, what to do.

The solution is so simple, we are living in a society in which a lot of needy people are living too. if we eat the fruits according to our needs and share the rest of fruits to the people who are needy.
Then the seed will make a tree, the tree will give us fruits, and the fruits will save our life and the life of others too.

Now compare the above story to your own life.

The seed is my experience, the tree is my struggle and the fruits are the result or success. if I have experience and I don't use it, it will be wasted.
If I use my experience and do struggle I will get a good result and success. If I keep this good result Safe with my self, again it is useless. But if I share my experience, struggle, and the result or success of my struggle with others it will motivate them, maybe they are facing some problems which are smaller than the problems I faced and I share my experience with them and by that they Get the solution to their problems, and they get a lesson from my struggle.

My Message is:

Share your experiences, share your struggle, share your success and even share your failures,
it will help the humanity in different ways. Because "Share Is Care"

Friday, 24 November 2017


Every thing you can think, you can do. but there are many bodies around us who used to say
" You Can't do what you thinking of ".
And we also stop to doing that work, which we didn't even started. The reason behind our give up is nothing, but the word "CAN'T" which the people used to tell us time to time.
But you know what's the real meaning behind the word "CAN'T" 
The "T" at the end of "CAN'T",  stands for "TRY".
So indirectly the people are motivating you, that you can try that work which you can't do.
Because "Can'T" always says "Can Try".

Thursday, 23 November 2017


Every morning when i wake up, i just think, if this day is the last day of my life, what will i do?
I just get two options.

1. I spend all of my day in sorrow, sad, and crying, that i am going to die this night.

2. I spend this day as my whole life, i do something like which make me joyful, and i live all my life in this one day.

Because how much time we live is not a life,
Life is what, how much we live in that time.

In this world we used to face a lot of people having different thoughts, and every thought has their own opinion. But that opinion is just for everyone of them individually.

If anyone of us faces any problem, we start depending on others, that they will give us the solution, but the solutions of our problems are with us. If we are dependent on others, if we can not take our decisions, if we can not even think for our selves, it means we are the slaves of the society.
We have desires, and we are the slaves of our desires.

There are two types of desires, one desire is of doing something new, innovations in work, and the second desire is the desire of items,
the desire of getting any thing i mean the items, is the dangerous desire, which make you slave again,

we should leave this kind of desires.

Again a question raise that which are the desires which make us slaves and bound.
This is the point where we have to think and judge ourselves.

Here I will share the story of a monkeys.

When the hunters come to catch the monkeys for the circus, they use a trick. They put some beans in a bottle in which the open hand of the monkey can easily move, so one of those monkeys having the desire of eating beans from the bottle. when the monkey put its hand inside and take the beans so it is now unable to take the hand out of the bottle.

Now that monkey has a great desire to eat the beans and also wants to be free.

Here is the thinking movement, this monkey will be free if it opens the hand and leave the desire.

And then it will spend the life freely and happily in the jungle.

So that if we want to spend a happy life, we should have an independent life, and we should avoid those desires of which we think it can make us a slave, we should avoid the desires of items and should love our work, so that we will get happiness and the pleasures we want as well..


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